

To limit paper reliance Entrants must tender all submissions in electronic format online via the Competition website by deadline. No hard copy submissions will be accepted.

Each submission must comprise of two mandatory components:

1) Panels
2) Report

Under no circumstances will the Jury consider additional materials.

All submissions must be tendered anonymously, identified only by the unique user IDs assigned to the Entrants at the point of registration. Entrants must not display their names, countries of residence and/or practice anywhere on their submissions. Failure to do so may lead to the disqualification

Each submission must consist of the following components:

1) Panels:

Four A1 boards (84cm x 59.4cm) in landscape format with floor plans, elevations, cross sections, detailed drawings, schematics, diagrams and photographs necessary for visualising and understanding the design.

Entrants may submit up to FOUR panels per floor.
If entrants are submitting the designs for 4 floors, for example, please submit a maximum of 16 A1-sized panels.

Each panel is to be clearly numbered in the order it is to be read, i.e. ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’ or ‘4’.

Each panel must be clearly labelled with the Entrant’s unique user ID and the floor of which the design is for.

The panels must be submitted as PDF or JPEG electronic files.

All images featured on the panels must be in RGB mode with a resolution of 72 DPI. Maximum file size of each panel should be 2.5MB.

The contents of the panels should be sufficient to impart a clear understanding of the design proposal. Scales that are necessary to comprehend certain drawings, such as plans and sections, must be specified against these drawings. These must be graphic scales in all cases.

Note: Entrants are required to keep (but not submit) the high-resolution files of 300 DPI of each panel. The Competition Registrar will advise entrants on if and when these are needed for judging later on.

2) Report

The report must clearly state the Entrant’s unique user ID and the floor of which the design is for.

The report shall consist of no more than 10 pages (A4 size) must be submitted; this is inclusive of diagrams and double-spaced text (Times Roman, font size 12).

The report should describe and explain the idea behind the design, as well as choice and use of materials.

The report must be submitted as a PDF electronic file.

Note: Entrants may be asked to later submit soft copy files at a higher resolution of 300 DPI. Competition Registrar will advise Entrants if/when high-resolution softcopies are needed.

©2024 Design Capital 21