Jurors Comments

Floor Jurors Comments


Kuldej Sinthawanarong Easy, straightforward design for retailers. Clear understanding of consumer groups in JB. Excellent layout. 
Elim Chew With the 3D icons like the Sydney Opera House, they help define the spaces and the cities, and also a structural technique of bringing the essence of the different cities of Australia to life.
Craig Menzies Australian icons have been captured in the design--from iconic Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge to the shopping streets of Melbourne and Brisbane. Well-presented and clever zoning of the plan. The design is very 'buildable' and easy to construct.
Martin Duplantier Literal translation of the cities' icons with great diversity.
Rodrigo Marcondes Ferraz This is the best project presented for this continent and shows in a good way the famous attractions of Australia. For sure it will make people feel as if they were abroad.
Thomas Chung Sensible design concept on 'selfie-centric' environment, very popular, easy for consumers to relate, record and disseminate on social media. Straightforward use of iconic buildings to capture attention. Practical and 'buildable'; meets project brief well.